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Brain Teasers: Brain Games : Brain Teasers, Logic Tests, and Puzzles to Exercise Your Mind EPUB, MOBI, TXT


Worried your brain is slowing down a bit? Starting to forget names and numbers? Having trouble with basic math problems? With Brain Games: Brain Teasers, Logic Tests, and Puzzles to Exercise Your Mind, those worries will become a thing of the past. From your short- and long-term memory to your planning skills and ability to learn faster, Brain Games contains everything you need to get your brain back in shape in no time. Packed with three month's worth of crossword puzzles, over 180 performance tips, and an array of tests-covering spatial recognition, memory, language skills, math, and more-this game collection will make your brain the biggest, fastest, and brainiest around. This is the perfect book for anyone who sits down with The New York Times crossword puzzle in the morning, works through Sudoku and Kakuro puzzles on the way home, or simply loves logic.

Allen D. Bragdon - Brain Teasers: Brain Games : Brain Teasers, Logic Tests, and Puzzles to Exercise Your Mind download ebook PDF, DJV, DOC

Whether you want a fast overview of the grand story of the Bible or a deeper exploration of the riches of Scripture, "The Wayfinding Bible" is that guide.With an innovative, full-color visual guide at the top of each reading, "The Wayfinding Bible" provides you with three paths through God's Word: the Fly-Over Route, the Direct Route, and the Scenic Route.Arguing that thinking and behavior constitute a property of the whole organism, not just the brain,Beyond the Brainillustrates how the body, brain, and cognition are tied to the wider world.Ideal for studying at home or on the go,Kaplan LSAT in a Boxis a set of 300 flashcards that cover the concepts and strategies essential to achieving a high score on the LSAT.Since then, it has grown to become a powerful instrument to make release-ready games for PC, Mac, mobile devices, and even current-gen consoles.You do not need prior game development experience, but it is expected that you have played games before.